Band Bingo:
On Thursday, February 5 we will be having our annual Bingo night in the RHS Student Center (Cafeteria). Our new Dessert Auction starts at 6:30 pm with the Bingo games beginning around 7:00 once the desserts have been auctioned. This event is a fun way to fundraise for both the band program in general, as well as your individual student(s). It is $5 to play a bingo card for the entire night and you can specify if you want the money to benefit the RHS Band Program, or your individual student. Money raised is used to help offset the cost of band trips, etc., and stays in students accounts. Most people purchase more than one $5 card in order to increase their odds of winning. There are several prize baskets for the winners along with some exciting raffle items (free rounds of golf, auto detail, hotel stay, and more!). Please make sure to invite you friends and family to this event. Your help promoting Band Bingo is absolutely essential for success.
Raffle Prizes will be available. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5
Also, have one dollar bills ready for our exciting final game: 50/50 Blackout!
"Dessert Dash!": There will be desserts available for auction
Dinner will not be served at the event this year.
Fountain Pepsi Products are available for drink ($1 for refillable cup)